1. Fruitland has its own language. I suppose that Mackay does too, but as an "insider" I don't notice.
Fruitland Dictionary:
Perched-to be very thirsty also known as parched
Pacific-to give a detailed exact answer also known as specific
It has taken a me a year now to figure out what people are actually trying to say
Okay so that wasn't the real headline but chad and jim did make the paper after we attended a fundraiser auction to raise money for breast cancer awareness. The basket was in honor of angie and they raised $2300 in raffle tickets. Chad won the basket full of breast cancer awareness items but since nothing would fit him and pink isn't really his color he donated it back to that we can raise more money for breast cancer. The 2nd weekend in June is "walk for life" all of us will take turns walking for 24 hours straight in honor of Angie.
3. Mothers are the BEST. Mothers day is such a great time of year to enjoy the warmth of spring and to BBQ and spend time together with family, and its really great because we get to reflect on just how wonderful Mom's are. I have been so lucky to have such a great mom who has also become a great friend. I also have wonderful grandmothers, I have been so lucky to have been able to grow up with 4 grandmothers watching my every move, and now
I have added a wonderful mother in law who I could never thank enough for raising such a wonderful son. I love all of you MOMS!!
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