Wednesday, March 26, 2008

27 on the 27th!!!

The Golden Birthday!! When I was 18 I wrote a list of things I wanted to do before I die, kinda like a bucket list. Every year on my birthday I pick a couple of things on the list and get them checked off. For my 25th I jumped out of a plane, for my 26th I bought a boat, and now I am to this time of year again and I am not sure what to take off my list. One thing is to make a quilt (now that seems easy to a lot of you but for me it will probably be the only quilt I ever make. ) Another is to stand naked on a nude beach (I am unaware of any local nude beaches so I may have to save that one) I want to start my own business (however I haven't come up with any good idea's yet) I want to be the mom that jumps off the diving board at the local pool (but no kids yet) So I guess I'll give it some more thought this weekend and get something checked off the ole list.

Get Well Soon

My mother in Law had a hysterectomy yesterday. Poor thing. She was really out of it when we went to visit her, come to find out James' dad misunderstood the nurse, she was on an automatic morphine drip and if her pain level got worse she could push a button to add more. Lonnie thought he was running the morphine so every thirty minutes he gave her a little more...needless to say she slept really well. Get Well Soon MOM.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Three for Thursday's

One: Jaten is getting very use to me visiting all the time, we have been out to Mackay a lot lately. But now he knows how to call me so not only do I get to see him at least every weekend, now I get phone calls 2 or 3 times a day..all with very important information, like yesturday when he got a new Balloon!!! OH to be three again!

Happy Birthday Kaitlyn, this picture is a few months old but we decided to take the kids to the circus and last minute I decided I would take Haylee (james' niece) Kaitlyn got in the car and I intoduced her to Haylee. She looks at her brother Thomas and said "I'll let you sit by that EVIL Girl" That was the first time they had met they are great friends now. But Kaitlyn never lacks personality..thats why we love her!!
I love Spring!!! I wish that it was a little bit warmer yet, but I love spring flowers, the smell of rain, the grass turning green again, and spring means summer is comming and winter is officially gone!!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

James' nephew Bradee looks just like James did at his age. His mom had a jewelry party and while I was looking at the jewelry, bradee came up to me and said "I found your mints" I didn't think much of it until I remembered that I didn't have any mints. I look over bradee doesn't have mints he has birth control!!! I guess it won't do him much harm unless he decided to take it everyday for a month.

new blog

Sorry Gang but my old blog will not let me add to it, it is dead so I decided to put it to rest and start over.