I know I don't blog as much as I use to, my laptop is having some serious issues and I hate to start anything knowing it may freeze up. Jordan is now 11 months old, WOW time flies. She is so fun, her little personality is really starting to come out. She loves to fake cough and fake laugh. She quacks like a duck, says Uh-oh and she is learning sign language. She is picking up on it really fast. She took her first three steps last week but now she only wants to walk if she has your hand or with her toy, hopefully she get the courage to try again. She is very independent and does things her way or the highway! I love it. We took her camping a couple of weeks ago and she was in heaven, so was I (she slept in until 9 or 10 every morning). I do have to say camping with an 11 month old is much easier than camping last summer with a three week old! We bought her a used bike trailer on craigs list so we go on lots of bike rides now. She loves to be outside, always has, must have something to do with being a summer baby. We are getting excited to celebrate her 1st birthday next month although I still can't believe it has been a year since we had her.
Snow and Fun and Family... oh, and Christmas
10 years ago
Almost one year- wow! She sure looks fun! Redfish will be a much funner experience this year, eh? :) Good luck getting your laptop working again too... Hope to run into you sometime this summer again!
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