Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Looks like We Made IT!

One whole year. We celebrated our first anniversary yesterday. We didn't really do anything exciting. We went to dinner on Sunday and Monday James got inducted into the Elks!! I had appointments but I came late and got to see a couple of video's about the elks. I still don't really understand what they do...but James wanted to join because they have dinner every Tuesday for $4, and they have poker night once a month. His grandfather is an Elk so I guess they can go together.

But it has been a wonderful year. Everyone told us that the first year is the hardest, I really hope so because I didn't think it was hard at all. We have such a good time together, its great to spend every night with your best friend. I can't wait to spend the next 80 years with him. He is such a great guy, he works so hard and has a great heart. Plus he can always make me laugh and as long as I am laughing I can't complain.

I love you babe. Thanks for making this year so great!


Smartee said...

Horray for the first year! I can't believe it's been a year already! Congrats you guys!